For example, if a company sends an email to someone in the European Union and got their address from an entity that may have unethically acquired the data, the person could become wary and contact the company to assert they have never done business with the enterprise or even heard of them, so they certainly did not provide consent. The information was being sold as part of a collected dump also including the likes of MyFitnessPal (more on that below), MyHeritage (92 million), ShareThis, Armor Games, and dating app CoffeeMeetsBagel. Create a Data Lake service client. Date: May 2014Impact: 145 million usersDetails: eBay reported that an attack exposed its entire account list of 145 million users in May 2014, including names, addresses, dates of birth and encrypted passwords. CSO compiled this list of the biggest 21st Century breaches using simple criteria: The number of people whose data was compromised. Inadequate system segmentation made lateral movement easy for the attackers. The company confirmed the incident and subsequently notified users, prompted them to change passwords, and reset OAuth tokens. Brands including PayPal have compensated intermediaries for buying back data that criminals stole from the companies. Cybercriminals know data is lucrative, and although they don’t always sell it, they realize personal information is extremely valuable, especially if sold in bulk and the seller has lots of related information. Editor, The breach was discovered in January 2009 when Visa and MasterCard notified Heartland of suspicious transactions from accounts it had processed. Yahoo claimed that most of the compromised passwords were hashed. Getting the data back prevents criminals from doing what they want with it, likely exploiting victims even more through their actions. So, if people who use data get offers to buy some almost immediately after a major data breach gets publicized, they should be cautious and inquire about the source. For example, the EU has the General Data Protection Regulation, which governs and protects individuals’ data privacy, while the U.S. is more lax about privacy protection. In February 2018 the usernames, email addresses, IP addresses, SHA-1 and bcrypt-hashed passwords of around 150 million customers were stolen and then put up for sale a year later at the same time as Dubsmash et al. Financial information, such as credit card numbers, was stored separately and was not compromised. Date: 2014-18Impact: 500 million customersDetails: Marriott International announced in November 2018 that attackers had stolen data on approximately 500 million customers. SETI@homeis probably one of the most famous examples of a collective action science experiment where everyday people are invited to run software that turns people’s personal computers into a supercomputer. About 3.5 billion people saw their personal data stolen in the top two of 15 biggest breaches of this century alone. The same vendor was also selling information taken from other Chinese giants such as Tencent’s, Sina Corporation and Sohu, Inc. NetEase has reportedly denied any breach. Leading Tech Trends 2020 Cloud computing has become the norm. This, however, doesn’t tally as some of the information being offered such as location data, isn’t available via the API. The attackers were able to take some combination of contact information, passport number, Starwood Preferred Guest numbers, travel information, and other personal information. Some individuals may assume that if a company wants to stay above-board, it does everything it can to steer clear of data that could be unethical. Unethical behavior might arise at any point - from data collection to data interpretation. Copyright © 2021 IDG Communications, Inc. collection and storage What happens when data travel? The Covid Era and CISO Stress Even before COVID-19, senior technology executives, including CISOs, CIOs and CTOs were overwhelmed, and felt an increasing lack of ballast in their lives. Subscribe to access expert insight on business technology - in an ad-free environment. Oldsmar cyberattack raises importance of water utility... SolarWinds attack explained: And why it was so hard to... 9 types of malware and how to recognize them, The state of the dark web: Insights from the underground, How and why deepfake videos work — and what is at risk, What is the dark web? I highly doubt that! Halliburton’s unethical offenses are so many that they are best summarized in list form: – Halliburton has been accused, multiple times, of engaging in business transactions with countries with which trades are prohibited by the US government. The credit card numbers and expiration dates of more than 100 million customers were believed to be stolen, but Marriott is uncertain whether the attackers were able to decrypt the credit card numbers. How to master email security... 10 things you should know about dark web websites. But, when companies buy what criminals have to sell, they incentivize them to continue. Create a parent directory. If a seller obtained data through illegitimate means, they might not want to be forthcoming with their name or other details. The data may have been stolen or otherwise obtained from people without consent. MyFitnessPal acknowledged the breach and required customers to change their passwords, but didn’t share how many accounts were affected or how the attackers gained access to the data. Even if parental consent is required, this doesn’t mean that a parent actually consented. It was reported in that email addresses and plaintext passwords of some 235 million accounts from NetEase customers were being sold by a dark web marketplace vendor known as DoubleFlag. 1. The breach was eventually attributed to a Chinese intelligence group seeking to gather data on US citizens, according to a New York Times article. 3 UK Data Service – Big data and data sharing: Ethical issues This a brief introduction to ethical issues arising in social research with big data. As of 2019, 94% of IT professionals were using the cloud in some form or another. An About Us page, contact details and customer testimonials are some of the characteristics of a company webpage that could indicate trustworthiness. There are other examples of borderline and/or overt inappropriate collection or use of data in both sports and business. Her work can be seen on such sites as The Huffington Post, MakeUseOf, and VMBlog. It also said that since doesn't store passwords in plaintext, users should have nothing to worry about. And, experts say the overall worth goes up in multiples of five for each piece of supplementary information, such as a name or an address. If businesses or data scientists need to buy data for their projects, it’s best to do business with an entity that has a proven history of providing quality leads lists. An example of partial use of the data occurs in the case of work carried. This happens all the time when the survey is aimed to try and prove a viewpoint rather than find out the truth. Data breaches dominate news headlines in today’s society. Date:  September 2019Impact: 218 million user accountsDetails: Once a giant of the Facebook gaming scene, Farmville creator Zynga is still one the biggest players in the mobile game space with millions of players worldwide. Why is it that some studies only use data on certain cities and not others? These ethical issues related to such data in databases can be examined from three perspectives: Ethical responsibilities of … Why should SMEs embrace Cloud ERP solutions? Example – Informed consent to publish Tweets 6 Background to the research question 6 Issues, constraints and decisions 6 Outcomes 7 Legal disclaimer 7 Resources 7 Anonymisation 7 Genre specific 7 References 8 About Libby Bishop 9. The attackers remained in the system after Marriott acquired Starwood in 2016 and were not discovered until September 2018. You can read more from Kayla on her personal website. Taking that approach creates an ethical dilemma. In May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect and changed how European Union countries or companies marketing to people in that region of the world must handle data. File system. Date: 2013-14Impact: 3 billion user accountsDetails: Yahoo announced in September 2016 that in 2014 it had been the victim of what would be the biggest data breach in history. Because of the breach, the Payment Card Industry (PCI) deemed Heartland out of compliance with its Data Security Standard (DSS) and did not allow it to process payments of major credit card providers until May 2009. We trust big data and its processing far too much, according to Altimeter analysts. During World War II, German researchers performed a large number of experiments in concentration camps and elsewhere. ETHICAL ISSUES RELATED TO DATA COLLECTION AND STORAGE (STUDY OBJECTIVE 11) There are many ethical issues related to the collection, storage, and protection of data in databases. The online auction giant said hackers used the credentials of three corporate employees to access its network and had complete access for 229 days—more than enough time to compromise the user database. For example, a hacker might redirect the donation system of a non profit organization and have the money sent to an offshore account controlled by the hacker. The Heartland breach was a rare example where authorities caught the attacker. How the open authorization framework works. Answer. Processing covers a wide range of operations performed on personal data, including by manual or automated means. Many of the people that provide unethical data operate on the Dark web, so average internet users often don’t know they exist. Get the best in cybersecurity, delivered to your inbox. The attacker also claimed to have gained OAuth login tokens for users who signed in via Google. Then, they could apply for loans or even appear as eligible for someone else’s tax refund. Date:  December 2018Impact: 162 million user accountsDetails: In December 2018, New York-based video messaging service Dubsmash had 162 million email addresses, usernames, PBKDF2 password hashes, and other personal data such as dates of birth stolen, all of which was then put up for sale on the Dream Market dark web market the following December. List file systems in an Azure storage account. If so, a business could find itself in hot water and unable to answer an angry customer’s queries in a satisfying way. Indeed, that’s one kind, but the coverage here relates to the information companies get through suspect means. Blobs can be accessed from anywhere in the world via HTTP or HTTPS. By Jonathan H. King & Neil M. Richards If you develop software or manage databases, you’re probably at the point now where the phrase “Big Data” makes you roll your eyes. The company also paid an estimated $145 million in compensation for fraudulent payments. The suspected culprit(s) — known as Gnosticplayers — contacted ZDNet to boast about the incident, saying that Canva had detected their attack and closed their data breach server. Dubsmash acknowledged the breach and sale of information had occurred — and provided advice around password changing — but failed to say how the attackers got in or confirm how many users were affected. For example, an audit by the General Accounting Office of the information system for the Federal Family Education Loan Program, published on June 12, 1995, found that the system "did not adequately protect sensitive data files, applications programs, and systems software from unauthorized access, change, or disclosure." HaveIBeenPwned lists this breach as “unverified.”. Businesses can take several steps to tell if the data they have might be unethical — here are five of them. Gonzalez, a Cuban American, was alleged to have masterminded the international operation that stole the credit and debit cards. However, according to a later post by Canva, a list of approximately 4 million Canva accounts containing stolen user passwords was later decrypted and shared online, leading the company to invalidate unchanged passwords and notify users with unencrypted passwords in the list. Avoiding the snags and snares in data breach reporting: What CISOs need to know, 7 security incidents that cost CISOs their jobs, 7 overlooked cybersecurity costs that could bust your budget. Both of those things are potential warning signs associated with unethical data. A federal grand jury indicted Albert Gonzalez and two unnamed Russian accomplices in 2009. An agreement in August 2015 called for Adobe to pay a $1.1 million in legal fees and an undisclosed amount to users to settle claims of violating the Customer Records Act and unfair business practices. 12 security career-killers (and how to avoid them). Ethical Guidelines on Data Storage and Security (Note that these guidelines have been designed to prevent the unintended sharing of data - please see the document titled ‘Guidelines for Researchers on Issues around Open Access Data’ if you are interested in issues around the intentional sharing of data). Weibo acknowledged the data for sale was from the company, but claimed the data was obtained by matching contacts against its address book API. Having children freely disclose information not knowing who is watching and that they have actually allowed creators to store information is highly concerning. Zynga later confirmed that email addresses, salted SHA-1 hashed passwords, phone numbers, and user IDs for Facebook and Zynga accounts were stolen. The stolen data spanned 20 years on six databases and included names, email addresses and passwords. Nissenbaum noted that some previously proposed mitigations are persuasive (for example, requiring that collected data only be read by machines or be subject to strict use requirements), and they may even be ethically defensible given certain types of conditions and assurances. Supporting CISOS, CIOS and CTOS That Are Overwhelmed During the COVID Battle. How to... What are DMARC, SPF and DKIM? If data from unethical experiments can be replaced by data from ethically sound research and achieve the same ends, then such must be done. Two a series of reports detail Cambridge Analytica’s use of Facebook data and how it was allegedly used to underpin efforts to manipulate the 2016 presidential election. Date: 2013Impact: 360 million user accountsDetails: Though it had long stopped being the powerhouse that it once was, social media site MySpace hit the headlines in 2016 after 360 million user accounts were leaked onto both LeakedSource (a searchable databased of stolen accounts) and put up for sale on dark web market The Real Deal with an asking price of 6 bitcoin (around $3,000 at the time). List paths in a file system. As CSO reported at the time that, “A researcher who goes by 1x0123 on Twitter and by Revolver in other circles posted screenshots taken on Adult Friend Finder (that) show a Local File Inclusion vulnerability (LFI) being triggered.” He said the vulnerability, discovered in a module on the production servers used by Adult Friend Finder, “was being exploited.”. Security analysts had warned retailers about the vulnerability for several years, and it made SQL injection the most common form of attack against websites at the time. For example, data collection can be made inherently biased by posing the wrong questions that stimulate strong emotions rather than objective realities. As an increasing number of companies collect data, the likelihood of hackers infiltrating systems and taking it goes up. The attackers, which the company believed we “state-sponsored actors,” compromised the real names, email addresses, dates of birth and telephone numbers of 500 million users. Unethical behavior has no place at work, and it is your responsibility to be forthcoming about disclosing unethical situations. The United NationsFundamental Principles of Official Statistics, the International Statistical Institute's Declaration on Professional Ethics, and the American Statistical A… The breach initially occurred on systems supporting Starwood hotel brands starting in 2014. Whether it's surveilling or deceiving users, mishandling or selling their data, or engendering unhealthy habits or thoughts, tech these days is not short on unethical behavior. Editor's note: This article, originally published in March 2014, is frequently updated to account for new breaches. What is phishing? Subject-victims of Nazi research were predominantly Jews, but also included Romanies (Gypsies), prisoners of war, political prisoners, and others (Germany [Territory Under Allied Occupation … ]; Caplan). Kayla Matthews is a technology writer dedicated to exploring issues related to the Cloud, Cybersecurity, IoT and the use of tech in daily life. The 4 pillars of Windows network security, Why CISOs must be students of the business. In 2012 the company announced that 6.5 million unassociated passwords (unsalted SHA-1 hashes) were stolen by attackers and posted onto a Russian hacker forum. Some sellers of unethical data are becoming more commercialized and set up websites or social media profiles to broaden their appeal. These tips should help people evaluate data sources and decide whether to trust them. Now, breaches that affect hundreds of millions or even billions of people are far too common. Some went so far as to ... How to Tell If You’re Using Unethical Data, Information is at the Heart of Your Business, It May Not Be Sexy, But Strict Compliance Delivers The Freedom To Innovate, Deep learning to avoid real time computation. He was sentenced in March 2010 to 20 years in federal prison. The company asked customers to change their passwords. Nov 12, 2018 | Resources. These are the most prevalent issues nurses face. People who buy data from questionable sources should be aware, then, of the possible dangers of unethical data in association with the GDPR. For example are all Facebook users’ over the age of 15? For example, if a company sends an email to someone in the European Union and got their address from an entity that may have unethically acquired the data, the person could become wary and contact the company to assert they have never done business with the enterprise or even heard of them, so they certainly did not provide consent. How this cyber attack works and how to... Ransomware explained: How it works and how to remove it. Equifax was faulted for a number of security and response lapses. For example, with so much data and with powerful analytics, it may be impossible to remove the ability to identity individuals, if there are no rules established for the use of anonymized data files. This unethical practice essentially tricks a website buyer into thinking a website transaction is complete when, in fact, the business never gets notice of the sale, and the money is lost offshore. How to access it and what you'll find, 15 signs you've been hacked—and how to fight back, The 15 biggest data breaches of the 21st century. Data Storage; Contact; Select Page. Date: March 2008Impact: 134 million credit cards exposedDetails: At the time of the breach, Heartland was processing 100 million payment card transactions per month for 175,000 merchants — mostly small- to mid-sized retailers. The smallest incident on this list involved the data of a mere 134 million people. Now that so-called big data is providing access to information that would not previously have been discovered, what are the ethical boundaries around companies use of this data? Researchers must ensure that proper arrangements have been made for the security and storage of confidential data collected in the course of research projects involving human participants. 8 video chat apps compared: Which is best for security? The 15 biggest data breaches of the 21st century Data breaches affecting millions of users are far too common. Coercing an injured worker not to report a work injury to workers' compensation by threatening him with the loss of a job or benefits. Passwords were not included, which may indicate why the data was available for just ¥1,799 ($250). Equifax data breach FAQ: What happened, who was affected, what was the impact? The breach was discovered on July 29, but the company says that it likely started in mid-May. Top 10 Most Prevalent Ethical Issues In Nursing. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): What you need to... What is personally identifiable information (PII)? Date:  May 2019Impact: 137 million user accountsDetails: In May 2019 Australian graphic design tool website Canva suffered an attack that exposed email addresses, usernames, names, cities of residence, and salted and hashed with bcrypt passwords (for users not using social logins — around 61 million) of 137 million users. 10. were flawed, used data … Create a file system client. Create a file system. The social media giant said it had notified authorities about the incident and China’s Cyber Security Administration of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said it is investigating. However, that’s not always the case. But, it’s still possible to check domain name registrations or see when a business first appeared on Facebook when deciding whether to proceed with buying data. Note: This sample uses the .NET 4.5 asynchronous programming model to demonstrate how to call Azure Storage using asynchronous API calls. Date: July 29, 2017Impact: 147.9 million consumersDetails: Equifax, one of the largest credit bureaus in the US, said on Sept. 7, 2017 that an application vulnerability in one of their websites led to a data breach that exposed about 147.9 million consumers. And how it can help protect your... What is IAM? Even when companies buy back the data that was theirs from the start, they demonstrate a demand that makes thieves feel validated. What happens if a journal requests your data? An estimated 99% of them had been cracked by the time published its analysis of the data set on November 14, 2016. So, Twitter did not make this list. The breach compromised the personal information (including Social Security numbers, birth dates, addresses, and in some cases drivers' license numbers) of 143 million consumers; 209,000 consumers also had their credit card data exposed. What is the Tor Browser? Unethical data is more common than individuals think, but awareness can avoid the potential risks of using it. Subscribe today! Storage, security and disposal of research data Your responsibilities. Some are rooted in time and will never change, while others are brought about by new changes in technology. Delete a file system. Whichever ethical requirement may be chosen, the history of human research offers grim examples of its violation. Nonetheless, she suggested that it is important to understand what is at stake in these contexts. The timing of the original breach announcement was bad, as Yahoo was in the process of being acquired by Verizon, which eventually paid $4.48 billion for Yahoo’s core internet business. Companies collect and store a wealth of information about customers in their databases. How to access it... 15 signs you've been hacked—and how to... What is the Tor Browser? Employees should have to thoroughly read the policy and sign it to commit to behaving ethically and reporting unethical behavior. Formulate a conspicuous company policy in writing that clearly defines and distinguishes between ethical and unethical behavior. CSO provides news, analysis and research on security and risk management, 10 things work-from-home employees can do now to help protect the network, Undervalued and ineffective: Why security training programs still fall short, How to select a DLP solution: 9 unusual considerations, How to defend against OAuth-enabled cloud-based attacks, How to harden Microsoft Edge against cyberattacks, The biggest data breach fines, penalties and settlements so far, Sponsored item title goes here as designed, CSO's ultimate guide to security and privacy laws, regulations, and compliance. Twitter, for example, left the passwords of its 330 million users unmasked in a log, but there was no evidence of any misuse. Big data analytics raises a number of ethical issues, especially as companies begin monetizing their data externally for purposes different from those for which the data was initially collected. Ethical issues in nursing contain all the tough decisions the healthcare profession faces each day in caring for society. LinkedIn acknowledged that it had been made aware of the breach, and said it had reset the passwords of affected accounts. However, it wasn’t until 2016 that the full extent of the incident was revealed. Studies that make conclusions about crime rates among certain ethnic or socioeconomic status groups are another example where data ethics are a concern. Failing to include number of eligible partici-pants. We can now do things that were impossible a few years ago, and existing ethical … Blob storage stores unstructured data such as text, binary data, documents or media files. Compliance and Business Innovation When the U.S. based non-profit organization RHD | Resources for Human Development decided to move its operations into the cloud, one of its top priorities was compliance. Identity and access management explained, What is OAuth? Chief among them was that the application vulnerability that allowed the attackers access was unpatched. – Halliburton has been accused of overbilling the US army for food and oil supplies during the Iraq war, 2003. These take on different flavors and have different levels of transparency. When people think of unethical data, instances of knowingly tweaking information to make it show misleading conclusions often come to mind. The same hacker selling MySpace’s data was found to be offering the email addresses and passwords of around 165 million LinkedIn users for just 5 bitcoins (around $2,000 at the time). The breaches knocked an estimated $350 million off the value of the company. That number was raised to 147.9 million in October 2017. People give their data to buy things, receive offers from the brands they like and conduct internet-based transactions, such as renewing their driver’s licenses. Canva says the hackers managed to view, but not steal, files with partial credit card and payment data. However, it has also fallen victim to leaking user data in the past. The weak SHA-1 hashing algorithm protected most of those passwords. Yahoo revised that estimate in October 2017 to include all of its 3 billion user accounts. Create a file and subdirectory. immoral or unethical, a few potential examples of inaccurately reporting data may include: 1. Date:  February 2018Impact: 150 million user accountsDetails: As well as Dubsmash, UnderArmor-owned fitness app MyFitnessPal was among the massive information dump of 16 compromised sites that saw some 617 million customers accounts leaked and offered for sale on Dream Market. Date:  2012 (and 2016)Impact: 165 million user accountsDetails: As the major social network for business professionals, LinkedIn has become an attractive proposition for attackers looking to conduct social engineering attacks. The attackers exploited a known vulnerability to perform a SQL injection attack. Later that month, Adobe raised that estimate to include IDs and encrypted passwords for 38 million “active users.” Krebs reported that a file posted just days earlier “appears to include more than 150 million username and hashed password pairs taken from Adobe.” Weeks of research showed that the hack had also exposed customer names, IDs, passwords and debit and credit card information. Equifax was also slow to report the breach. Date:  October 2015Impact: 235 million user accountsDetails: NetEase is a provider of mailbox services through the likes of and Date: October 2016Impact: 412.2 million accountsDetails: This breach was particularly sensitive for account holders because of the services the site offered. For example, each credit card number sells for about $1 on the black market. We also made a distinction between incidents where data was stolen for malicious intent and those where an organization inadvertently left data unprotected and exposed. The code of ethics of the American Sociological Association advises sociologists to "adhere to the highest possible technical standards that are reasonable and responsible in their research…act with honesty and integrity; and avoid untrue, deceptive, or undocumented statements…and avoid conflicts of interest and the appearance of conflict." Another example of data getting out of hand, said Buytendijk, is data integration projects in the public sector, resulting in identity theft victims being persistently arrested. However, in March 2020 it was reported that the real names, site usernames, gender, location, and -- for 172 million users -- phone numbers had been posted for sale on dark web markets. And, that’s just a start. 12 security career-killers (and how to... SolarWinds attack explained: And why it... 9 types of malware and how to recognize... How and why deepfake videos work — and... What is the dark web? Here are some of the biggest, baddest breaches in recent memory. Create a file client. The goal of the seller is to make a profit without revealing too much. Frustrated with their limited access to data, some researchers have begun creating companies or products in order to incentivize the public to contribute data to a research effort. 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